Quality, fine leather, accurate workmanship, smell and design along with durability together make up a genuine Italian leather handbag. Not, all the leather bags you see are made of pure leather despite of the fact that they imitate the design of the branded ones. So, read on to learn about some interesting tips to buy Pure Italian Leather Handbags. 1. Price: If you are seriously dying to buy a pure leather handbag of Italy, then, never compromise on the price, as the price of these Italian beauties are usually very high. If the price tag indicates a high amount of money then it is surely a pure leather bag. Many women pick the fake ones just to get the best deals on leather handbags, so avoid this mistake. Just set up your budget and stick to it if you wish to get a real Italian leather bag. 2. Stitching: Another important aspect to check while buying an original MarItalian leather bag is to check its stitching that should be pro...
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