Buying a genuine
leather handbag is one thing and maintaining it properly is another thing. A
lady spends a lot of money to buy a genuine quality leather handbag but if it
is not taken care of well then it will be a total waste of money. Come and
learn some useful tips to clean a genuine leather bag with utmost ease so that
you enjoy using it for a longer period of time.
1. Damp
Cloth Cleaning: The best way to clean a leather handbag
is by swapping it with a damp cloth but in case, you have some terrible spots
on it, then, you must use a cleaning solution especially meant to clean leather
bags. These solutions are easily available in the market and just using a few
drops can work wonders in cleaning your handbag.
2. Baby
Soap: In case, you can’t buy any such solution, then the
other alternative is to use a baby soap or a unscented dishwasher friendly
cleaning soap.
3. Proper
Drying: More than cleaning a genuine leather handbag,
keeping it dry is more important. Make sure to dry the bag after cleaning it,
else there are more chances of damaging it rather than maintaining it. At least
give 30 minutes to dry the bag completely or use a hairdryer to speed up the
drying procedure. You may even a fan to prevent the damage that might crop up
due to hot hairdryer air.
4. Leather
Moisturizer: Once, the bag is dry you may choose to
apply a leather moisturizer to keep the leather soft and shining.
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