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How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus Infection

three novel 2019 coronavirus of wuan china
It seems China has again come in the grasp of a deadly virus called Coronavirus Infection after SARS infection that claimed many lives in 2002. This latest virus has already claimed lives of about 110 people in China and it is spreading at a rapid speed. 

The worst thing to know is that 2019 Novel Coronavirus is a contagious virus that can spread from one human being to another in fraction of seconds. So, how to protect yourself from coronavirus? 

The virus that started from China, has also fled to the US and infecting people out there. This uncurable virus is new and the worst too! Scientists and WHO experts are already looking for its cure, but what is it that you can do to stay safe against 2019 novel coronavirus?

What is Coronavirus?

two male bodies showing symptoms of china coronavirus and how it spreads

Novel Coronavirus is basically a common virus that can easily infect your nose, throat and sinuses. It is a family of different viruses; some are curable and some are uncurable and fatal like Novel Coronavirus. The one that is engulfing China at present is named 2019-nCoV or 2019 Novel Coronavirus

What are the Common Symptoms of Novel Coronavirus Infection?
how coronavirus spreads from animals to human beings and ways to prevent it

Since, Coronavirus is a new virus, hardly a few people know about its real symptoms. So, it is important to be aware of the common symptoms of 2019-nCoV. If you notice any of these following symptoms, don’t take it lightly, as it could be the deadly virus that first started in animals and soon spread amongst human beings:

1.   Constant Headache
2.   Fever
3.   Runny Nose
4.   Cough
5.   Breathing Difficulty
6.   Kidney Failure
7.   Bronchitis
8.   Pneumonia
9.   Sore Throat
10.               Cold and Chills

What is the Best Advice to Protect Yourself against Coronavirus Infection?

MERS-CoV sign with four images showing precautions for coronavirus

Now, coming straight to what you can do to stay safe from Wuhan Coronavirus. Mentioned below are some of the best to protect yourself from Coronavirus:

1.   Keep washing hands with soap and water.
2.   Throw a used tissue immediately after sneezing or coughing.
3.   Avoid close contacts in crowded places.
4.   Avoid consuming undercooked animal food, raw meat, milk or preserved food.
5.   Avoid visiting crowded markets, stations and airports.
6.   Avoid a tour to China, from where it started and is spreading at a rapid speed.
7.   Stay hydrated and keep your tongue wet, so drink water or a liquid as soon as you feel your tongue is drying up.
8.   Avoid touching eyes and face with unwashed hands when travelling.
9.   Wear masks.
10.               Consume freshly cooked home food and drink plenty of water.

The Conclusion: No matter, how much you try to prevent getting infected by 2019-nCoV, if someone around has it, you will hardly be spared. This Wuhan Coronavirus Infection has already spready to 10 countries and recently, some cases are suspected in New Delhi, India too. 

As of now, there is no vaccine or medicine to cure Coronavirus Infection and WHO scientists are working to get a vaccine against Coronavirus.


  1. Hi Great blog, The time is very critical for travelers.

    I Have created a video on it -


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