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Worst Dressed Ladies at BAFTA Awards 2009

Worst Dressed Ladies at BAFTA Awards 2009,BAFTA Awards 2009 Fashion,Celebrity Styles at BAFTA Awards 2009,Worst Dressed Celebrities at BAFTA Awards 2009,Frieda Pinto Looked Worst at BAFTA Awards 2009, BAFTA Awards Photos,Celebrity Fashion 2009,Worst Gowns at BAFTS Awards 2009,Bad Dressed Celebrities at BAFTA 2009
The first worst dress lady at the recently held BAFTA Awards 2009 was Marion Cotillard. In her unusual black strangely cut dress. Have a look yourself to see something was wrong with her dress.
We didn’t expect this from Penelope Cruz, who looked worst dressed in her black gown at BAFTA Awards 2009. Just a request, we don’t want to see you in black always Cruz, so please change your wardrobe. Gemma Arterton too emerged her worst in a black dress at BAFTA Awards 2009. Strange but she too couldn’t look sexy in black and looked enormously tall, something was wrong with her footwear too.
Next comes Katherine Jenkins in her boring gown at BAFTA Awards 2009. We expected her at least to bring in some color at the red carpet but she too disappointed. Have a look at her photo.
Alesha Dixon looked bad too in her black dress at BAFTA Awards 2009. How come she thought of wearing such a fanciful boring flair dress on a rainy day that too at an award function?


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